5 Reasons Why September Can Be The Best Time to Secure Top Tech Talent

3 Minutes

As the summer is coming to an end, businesses are starting to gear up for the final quarter ...

As the summer is coming to an end, businesses are starting to gear up for the final quarter of the year - September presents a prime opportunity for hiring managers, especially in the tech sector. Here are 5 reasons why recruiting in September can give you an edge in securing the best talent.

#1 Candidates are more active

The ‘September Surge’ is a real thing! Many professionals return after summer with a desire for change. For tech professionals, this is especially true as the industry moves quickly, and people often feel the pressure to stay relevant. You'll find more candidates actively searching for roles, which creates a larger talent pool and increases your chances of securing top talent.

According to Forbes, September often signifies the start of re-engagement to hit end-of-year goals for candidates.

#2 Notice periods align with the New Year

Most experienced professionals, including those within the Tech industry, often have notice periods of up to three months. By recruiting in September, you can line up new hires to start in the new year, ensuring a smooth transition to kick off the year right! 

Recruiting now ensures your new hires will be ready to hit the ground running at the start of the year, just in time for Q1 initiatives and key projects.

#3 Budgets begin for the next year

Most business planning and budgeting happens three months prior to the start of the new fiscal year, this gives them time to gather relevant data and make accurate projections for the following year.

Being proactive in September helps you align recruitment with budget approvals, making it easier to secure the resources you need to drive next year's goals!

#4 Competition for top talent increases in Q4

As the year draws to a close, many businesses increase their hiring efforts, particularly in tech, where skilled candidates are in high demand. If you wait until late autumn or early winter, you'll be competing with more companies for the same pool of talent. By recruiting in September, you get ahead of the competition, giving you a competitive advantage in attracting the best candidates before they get multiple offers.

#5 Increased focus on career moves

In the tech industry, many professionals may be finishing big projects in Q3/Q4. This creates a pause in their workload, making it an ideal time to consider new opportunities. For hiring managers, this is the perfect moment to engage these professionals, as they are more open to discussions about new roles after completing their projects.

Get ahead by recruiting in September!

With an increased number of active candidates, smoother transitions due to notice periods, and the ability to align with budget cycles, September is the optimal time to make strategic hires and be ahead of the game!

If you need help with your hiring, our team is here to help. You can reach out to us at info@senitor.com or call +44 1625 540 433 (UK) / +35 315 846 866 (IRE) to discuss your hiring requirements today!

Alternatively, check out more information here.

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